Friday, January 22, 2010

Chapter 4 - Government in Canada


This article is about rich Germans and how they’re having a petition for the government to make wealthy German people pay higher taxes. The rich Germans don’t mind the extra expense because they say they have “more money than they really need”. They also want to help out Germany’s economy and the financial crisis that is leading to an increase in unemployment, poverty and social equality. Dieter Lehmkuhl is the main man behind the petition. Signatory Peter Vollmer supports the proposal because he also inherited “a lot of money I do not need” and he also says and agrees that the tax is “a viable and socially acceptable way out of the flagrant budget crisis”.


A connection between the article and text is the ability-to-pay approach. Even though the government isn’t the ones who are promoting the higher tax demands the rich Germans themselves see the opportunity from themselves for having the ability-to-pay the extra tax expenses. And they’d like to help Germany’s economic recovery in the meantime anyways. The wealthy Germans might even have benefits-received for the generosity they are bringing to the table from the government but at the same time it might even be a win-win situation for both parties. This is because if the rich Germans are to help out then they would help Germany’s economy and help themselves not have to pay for the governments needs in the long run.


I honestly think that this might not be such a bad idea. Even if it might be from a “made a fortune through inheritance, hard work, hard-working, successful entrepreneurship, or investment” person’s point of view then I wouldn’t mind too much. Especially if it’s just a temporary expense or payment to help boost the economy back up with a result of having a better country overall and to maybe even boost up my own income from the new business I’d be attracting. It can be possible but then again it also depends on how everyone else is going to react to the changes and if everyone else is going to be on the same page of thoughtfulness.